Monday, March 8, 2010

Yes, she's talking about pancakes AGAIN

I know, I know, you probably thought that I had moved on from blogging about pancakes. One more post about them, and I might as well just rename the whole blog Mis-Adventures on Vegan Pancakes. I can't help it, I really love making breakfast in the morning and vegan pancakes always seem to hit the spot. My particular recipe is low in calories and fat, so when I top them with fruit I am actually creating a well-balanced breakfast. A good pancake recipe, like the one here (Return of the Pancake) is an important cornerstone to any cooking repertoire. It opens you up to a world of possibilities: Blueberry pancakes, banana pancakes, chocolate-chip pancakes, blue-corn pancakes, you get the idea.
I was talking about Apple Cinnamon Cheerios the other day. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios used to be one of my favorite breakfast cereals, and as a kid, they were probably one of my only sources of anything even resembling a fruit or vegetable. I had an apple left over and could tell that it was going to turn soon, so one Saturday morning I decided to get a little crazy and make apple-cinnamon pancakes. The addition of an apple gives this recipe a nice boost and will take care of one of your daily servings of fruit. I love eating fruit in the morning, because it's easy on your digestive system. Just ask Skinny Bitch.

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes
  1. Prepare vegan pancake batter as directed.
  2. Dice half an apple, then add half of your apple chunks into the pancake batter and pulse together in a food processor for about 5 seconds. 
  3. Add the second half of the apple chunks to the batter and cook as normal.
Now you have half of an apple and are wondering what you're going to do with it. You probably want to eat it, but you are probably also thinking "Damn, it would be great to harvest the natural sugar in this apple so that I don't need maple syrup on these bitchin' pancakes."  What's a vegan to do? I personally love fried apples, like the ones you can get at the Cracker Barrel. However, I've created a healthier way of cooking them that is the equivalent eating an apple, instead of being just like eating an apple, half a pound of butter, and a cup of sugar.

Poached Cinnamon Apples
  • 1/2 an apple, sliced
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/4th c. water
  1. Place sliced apples in a frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Cover with water and cook for 5 minutes, until most of the water is evaporated and the apples are tender.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon and stir until the apples are coated evenly. 
  4. Drain off the water and serve.

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